Chewing towards a sustainable, plastic-free future

At YaKBar©, we take sustainability seriously.

As a company that specializes in providing the best quality yak milk dog chews, we recognize the importance of protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. That's why we have made it our mission to be a sustainable, plastic-free, and green company.

We are proud to say that all of our products are made from all-natural ingredients, with no artificial additives or preservatives. Our yak milk dog chews are 100% biodegradable and free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for both dogs and the environment.

Our packaging is 100% plastic-free, and we use only eco-friendly materials to ship our products. We believe that small actions can make a big difference, and we strive to do our part in reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainability.

YaKBar© are committed to being a green company and promoting sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. We believe that by doing our part to protect the environment, we can help create a brighter future for humans and dogs alike, for generations to come.